Friday, February 17, 2017

Democrat from ultra-liberal Portland, Oregon says he's looking at the 25th amendment because he fears for Trump's mental health

  •  A Democratic lawmaker says he's so concerned about Donald Trump's 'erratic behavior' that he wants to revise the 25th Amendment
  • Ed Blumenauer is worried Trump doesn't have the 'mental and emotional capacity' to do his job
  •  He's one of several Democrats suggesting that Trump's unsupported statements about voter fraud are a reflection of his mental state
A Democratic lawmaker says he's so concerned about Donald Trump's 'erratic behavior' that he wants to revise the 25th Amendment in case the president demonstrates that he does not have the 'mental and emotional capacity' to do his job.
Oregon Congressman Ed Blumenauer, who represents the liberal city of Portland, Oregon, says he sees a 'glaring flaw' in the wording of the amendment that was ratified in 1967 in response to JFK's assassination. 
'For a mentally unstable, paranoid or delusional president, the 25th Amendment has no guarantee of its application. In fact, it’s likely that it would fail,' Blumenauer said in a speech this week on the House floor.
Democratic lawmaker Ed Blumenauer says he's so concerned about Donald Trump's 'erratic behavior' that he wants to revise the 25th Amendment in case the president demonstrates that he does not have the 'mental and emotional capacity' to do his job.
Democratic lawmaker Ed Blumenauer says he's so concerned about Donald Trump's 'erratic behavior' that he wants to revise the 25th Amendment in case the president demonstrates that he does not have the 'mental and emotional capacity' to do his job.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer speaks on changing the 25th Amendment
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Blumenauer is one of several Democrats suggesting that Trump's unsupported statements about large-scale voter fraud and other issues are a reflection of his mental state.
Rep. Ted Lieu of California is working on legislation that would  psychiatrist or psychologist to be on hand at the White House, The Hill reported.
Al Franken, a senator from Minnesota, revealed on a TV program that some Republicans in Congress have told him privately that Trump's 'not right mentally.'
The 25th amendment says in part that the vice president and 'a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide' can demand the president's removal from office if they decide he is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties.'
Blumenauer said in a Wednesday op-ed that appeared on that the amendment isn't strong enough.  
'It has inherent flaws that need to be addressed. The amendment's default decision-makers-- the vice president and the cabinet -- have a natural bias toward the existing officeholder that would make them reluctant to acknowledge the president's inability to serve,' he said.
'Additionally, in the case of a president who is suffering from mental illness and is emotionally unstable or irrational, there is no fail safe to prevent him or her from simply firing the entire cabinet to prevent the application of the amendment.'  
Blumenauer called attention to the issue again later that day on the House floor.
'Like many people, I’ve noticed renewed interest in the 25th Amendment, as we’ve seen erratic behavior out of the White House and inability of Donald Trump to even tell whether it rained on him during his inaugural speech and repeating false statements that are demonstrably wrong,' the Democrat said. 
The Congressman has proposed a 'fail-safe' to ensure impartiality, should observers determine the president is 'emotionally unstable' - a panel comprised of living presidents and vice presidents.
'We need to have a mechanism that can be reliable, command public confidence and be above politics,' he said.
Several Democrats have suggested Trump's unsupported statements about large-scale voter fraud are a reflection of his mental state
Several Democrats have suggested Trump's unsupported statements about large-scale voter fraud are a reflection of his mental state
In his op-ed Blumenauer said he was looking at legislation that would designate his proposed panel as the 'other body' capable of removing a sitting president.
Blumenauer insisted, when pressed by The Hill, that he was not saying that Trump is unwell.
'All I’ve said is that this is strange behavior. It’s not normal in the circles I run in. And it raises questions. People can make their own diagnosis. I’m not.'
No other lawmakers have joined onto Blumenauer's effort in public, but Franken, on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, said Republican legislators are privately concerned about President Trump. 
'Some will say that he's not right mentally,' Franken said last Friday to laughs. 'And then some are harsher.'
CNN's Jake Tapper asked the Democrat about the statement in a follow-up interview on Sunday. 
'So I know that was comedy, but is it true that Republican colleagues of yours express concerns about President Trump's mental health?' he asked.
Franken answered in the affirmative.
'A few,' the senator said. 'Yes. It's not the majority of them. It's a few.'
Sen. Al Franken said Sunday on CNN that a 'few' of his Republican colleagues are worried that Trump's mentally unstable
Sen. Al Franken said Sunday on CNN that a 'few' of his Republican colleagues are worried that Trump's mentally unstable
Their worries stem from Trump's relationship with facts, he said.
'He lies a lot. He says things that aren't true. That's the same as lying, I guess,' Franken stated. 'You know, three million to five million people voted illegally. There was a new one about people going in from Massachusetts to New Hampshire.' 
Franken said, 'That is not the norm for a president of the United States or actually for a human being.'
Approached by The Hill with Blumenauer and Franken's statements, two Republican representatives responded with laughter. 
'Are you serious?' Congressman Duncan Hunter asked the publication. 'Yeah, I don’t care what they say,' the California lawmaker added.
Mike Simpson of Idaho, said, 'I think that’s a stretch.' 
Simpson admitted, however, that Trump 'behavior is somewhat disturbing.'
'The concern I have — how do I say this and still be respectful? Every presidency, no matter who it is, there’s going to come a point in the presidency where you’re going to have to go to the American people and get their support for something,' he told the inside-the-Beltway publication.
'If this continues much longer, he’s going to lose the ability to rally those people.'

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

'Everything I worked for all these years doesn’t matter': Iranian PhD graduate who has been living in America for seven years is denied entry to the US following Trump's immigrant ban

  • Nazanin Zinouri, from Tehran, Iran, was taken off her flight to the US on Saturday 
  • The PhD graduate from Clemson University shared her story in a Facebook post 
  • She said that President Trump's actions showed 'that her life doesn't matter' 
  • Trump signed an executive order that banned people from 'Muslim' countries from entering the US on Friday  
An Iranian PhD graduate who has been living in the US for nearly seven years was pulled off a plane headed to the U.S. following Trump's immigrant ban.
Nazanin Zinouri, from Tehran, Iran, was escorted off her flight by two officers at a Dubai airport on Saturday after President Donald Trump severely restricted immigration from seven countries.
The PhD graduate from Clemson University has lived in the United States for nearly seven years and shared her emotional story on Facebook which said 'everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter.' 
Scroll down for video 
Nazanin Zinouri, from Tehran, Iran, was escorted off her flight by two officers at a Dubai airport hours on Saturday after President Donald Trump imposed a ban on immigrants 
Nazanin Zinouri, from Tehran, Iran, was escorted off her flight by two officers at a Dubai airport hours on Saturday after President Donald Trump imposed a ban on immigrants 
The PhD graduate from Clemson University has lived in the United States for nearly seven years and said that 'everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter'.  She shared her story with this picture of a plane on Facebook on Saturday 
The PhD graduate from Clemson University has lived in the United States for nearly seven years and said that 'everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter'.  She shared her story with this picture of a plane on Facebook on Saturday 
Zinouri, a data scientist, left to visit her family in Iran on Friday, January 20, and said in a Facebook post that she only gets to see her relatives around once a year, due to the 28-hour journey. 
She said when rumors began swirling last week about looming immigration restrictions, she booked a ticket back to South Carolina. 
Only hours before boarding her flight, Trump signed an order that blocked immigrants from seven 'Muslim' countries from entering the US. 
Zinouri made it as far as Dubai before she said she was questioned for 40 minutes and eventually pulled off her flight headed to Washington.
Zinouri, a data scientist, left to visit her family in Iran on Friday, January 20, and said in a Facebook post that she only gets to see her relatives around once a year. She left behind her dog (pictured) who is reportedly being watched by friends in South Carolina  
Zinouri, a data scientist, left to visit her family in Iran on Friday, January 20, and said in a Facebook post that she only gets to see her relatives around once a year. She left behind her dog (pictured) who is reportedly being watched by friends in South Carolina  
She said in a Facebook post about her experience: 'After almost 7 years of living the the United States, I got deported!!!' 
She said in a Facebook post about her experience: 'After almost 7 years of living the the United States, I got deported!!!' 
She said in a Facebook post about her experience: 'After almost 7 years of living the the United States, I got deported!!! 
'No one warned me when I was leaving, no one cared what will happen to my dog or my job or my life there. 
'No one told me what I should do with my car that is still parked at the airport parking. Or what to do with my house and all my belongings.
'They didn't say it with words but with their actions, that my life doesn't matter. Everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter.'  
President Donald Trump (pictured Saturday) signed an executive order on Friday afternoon providing for 'extreme vetting' of immigrants and visa holders
President Donald Trump (pictured Saturday) signed an executive order on Friday afternoon providing for 'extreme vetting' of immigrants and visa holders
It follows reports that Muslim-majority countries with ties to Trump's business empire have been excluded from the order
It follows reports that Muslim-majority countries with ties to Trump's business empire have been excluded from the order


Any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen is now barred from entering the United States.
That covers legal permanent residents - green card holders - and visa-holders from those seven countries who were out of the United States after Friday, when President Donald Trump signed an executive order with the temporary ban. They cannot return to the U.S. for 90 days.
There's an exemption for immigrants and legal permanent residents whose entry is in the U.S. national interest, but it's unclear how that exemption will be applied.
Visa and green card holders already in the U.S. will be allowed to stay.
Customs and Border Protection is notifying airlines about passengers whose visas have been canceled or legal residents scheduled to fly back to the U.S. Airlines are being told to keep them off those flights.
Source: Associated Press 
Zinouri left behind her dog who is reportedly being watched by friends in South Carolina.  
Her story has been shared more than 120,000 times and liked more than 100,000 times since she posted it on Facebook. 
President Trump signed an executive order on Friday afternoon providing for 'extreme vetting' of immigrants and visa holders. 
Any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen is now barred from entering the United States for at least 90 days. 
The swift order was met by public outrage on social media and people flocked to airports to protest against the decision. 
The president denied that his executive order was a Muslim ban. 
The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued a stay Saturday evening blocking the deportation of migrants detained at airports around the US due to Trump's immigration ban. 
Zinouri is one of approximately 375 travelers that were affected by the order, according to a Homeland Security official.
'This is illegal': Demonstrators gathered outside JFK airport in New York on Saturday for a long protest after 12 refugees were detained inside
'This is illegal': Demonstrators gathered outside JFK airport in New York on Saturday for a long protest after 12 refugees were detained inside
A sea of protesters gathered outside of Terminal 4 of JFK airport after people from Muslim countries were detained at border control
A sea of protesters gathered outside of Terminal 4 of JFK airport after people from Muslim countries were detained at border control
Trump signs order to bar some refugees prioritizing Syrian Christians

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